Program Requirements:
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Program Requirements
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What is the award amount range for Implementation Grants? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
The word counts allotted to some application answers on the RFA are too short. (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Application Process We have increased the word limit on questions included in the application portal as of July 6, 2023.
Can I submit more than one application on SurveyMonkey Apply? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Application Process
Can the BHBH Program funds be used to provide bridge housing services to individuals who are undocumented? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
Are vehicle purchases an allowable infrastructure expense? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
What are the options for Tribal entities that want to lease to own? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
Is there a minimum or maximum stay requirement for bridge housing? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
If I need reasonable accommodations in applying, where can I request alternative materials? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Application Process
Will there be allowances for budget exceptions? (7/7/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
What are the options for eligible applicants that want to lease to own? (7/7/2023)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use