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When can we anticipate conditional award announcements for the BHBH Program Tribal Entities RFA? (9/25/23)
Subtopic: Application Process Conditional award announcements are anticipated late October 2023.
On page 7 of the BHBH Program Tribal Entities RFA, it states, “You will be able to upload documents, including the required organizational chart, budget, budget narrative, and signed attestation, as well as any other necessary supporting documentation, to SurveyMonkey Apply.” Is there an attestation required? (9/12/23)
Subtopic: Program Requirements A signed attestation is not required for this round of BHBH Program Tribal Entities RFA funding.
Do all partners who apply for funds need to fit the “eligible applicant” definition? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Application Process
Will a waiver of sovereign immunity be required for grantees? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Program Requirements
Is the Planning Grant still available? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Application Process Yes. Applications for both Tracks 1 and 2 will be accepted until September 15, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time (PT).
What is the grant funding cap amount per Tribal entity? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
Are you limited to a budget of $75,000 per bed if you are building new housing? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Budget/Allowable Use
Who should be the primary BHBH Program applicant in a partnership or collaboration? (7/19/23)
Subtopic: Application Process